Tuesday 11 March 2008

Brother in Slightly Wonky Tie Shock

My brother is now almost famous instead of infamous! If you click on http://www.pandct.com/media/shownews.asp?ID=17059 there is an actual business news story about his new job, accompanied by this completely scary picture!
His new job is an SMV Technology Specialist!
Apparently "The SVM system is used throughout the world to assist in the testing of hydraulically and pneumatically actuated block valves on duties including ESD (Emergency Shutdown), BDV (Blow Down), HIPPS (High Integrity Pressure Protection) and SSIV (Sub Sea Isolation)."
Being a one time failed undergraduate Physicist, I of course understand all this completely, but I wont trouble you with an explaination, except that, BDV (Blow Down) sounds faintly rude!

Good job one of us has a proper job!
He got the career, I kept my hair!

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