Monday 14 April 2008

Health Conference Day 1


I am back in my absurdly tall hotel room after the first day of our conference at Manchester Central Hall. The conference hall was obviously once a railway station. Though thankfully it is no more, else our conference would probably end up as a replacement bus service!

Tomorrow I have my Maiden speech as a Maiden. I am pretty much dreading it. In my usual fashion I am dealing with this by stress by exhibiting displacement behaviour. That is, by doing anything but actually writing my speech, and hoping that if I ignore it, the whole thing will just go away. Although this problem solving method has never worked yet throughout my life, hope still springs eternal and maybe it just might work


brad said...

Yeah, that looks like a rail station.

In your position, I would think you would HAVE to get used to public speaking, since you're a public official. What about learning what makes it simpler and less stressful for you? No progress there?

Jenny Harvey said...

I actually think it is just as stressful talking to a small group of people than a really large one.
I was more stressed about how I would appear and sound, not what I said.
By the way Brad, whats happened to your site. You have gone Blogless