Monday 2 June 2008

Cry Me A River

It may be these bleeding hormones, It may be that since I turned 40 I've become far too sentimental, or maybe I've always been like this, but right now I seem to cry on almost a daily basis. It's not even that I really have anything to cry about in the grand scheme of things, or even that these are tears of genuine sadness, and in all honesty I think it can be a little bit self indulgent (like this post clearly is, irony fans).
Listed below is stuff that is guaranteed to make me cry at the drop of a tissue. I have rated the patheticness of each blubbing
P Understandably upsetting
PP Mildly lachrymose
PPP Get a grip Jen
PPPP For crying out loud!
PPPPP What the f***!

Love Actually - When Colin Firth runs back to his Portuguese girl and its revealled they have both tried to learn each others language PPPP

The opening strings on Take That's "Rule The World" PPPPP

Ice Age - The bit when Manny the Mammoth is looking at cave painting and missing his family PPPP

Meeting up with my ex wife Caz again, and missing her companionship. P

Plucking eyebrows PPP

Schindler's List - Near the end when he is given a gold gift by the Factory workers and he brakes down crying, that with it he could have saved another life P

Stoke City getting promoted to the Premiership after 23 years PPP

Tarzan - The Disney cartoon, when the Mother Gorilla cradles the baby Tarzan to the strains of "You'll Be In My Heart" PPPP

Faith Brother' s song "Easter Parade" PP

The end of The Office, when Tim and Dawn finally get together to the strains of Yazoo PPP

The last scene of Blackadder Goes Forth when they go over the top and the battlefield fades to poppies PP

Sneezing just as I'm finishing my best makeup job ever and smearing mascara all over my face, when I am already late for work PPPPPPPPPPPP
Small Print: This list is not exhaustive. Jenny reserves the right to cry at a moments notice at almost anything


Anonymous said...

I remember watching Brokeback Mountain with a friend, and basically blubbing all the way through...with them looking at me in mild
...nah, you're not alone Jenny !
(and I'm not even on the 'mones yet...)

Becky T said...

It's ok, Jen, I cried during Ice Age too.

Don't go anywhere near an episode of Bagpuss. You'll have nothing left to cry with once the closing theme has finished.

Jenny Harvey said...

I'm ashamed to say Ive not seen Bareback Mountain yet. I guess its even sadder now that Heath Ledger has passed.
As for Bagpuss, I always had a soft spot for Professor Yaffle, and sometimes I feel just like a Saggy Old Cloth Tranny!

Billy Whizz said...

How dare you rate Stoke as PPP clearly that's a negative P rating.

Wierdly I find the scene in Leon where Jean Reno has to push Natalie Portman down the ventilation shaft with his plant and he tells her about how he wants to have roots, then the statement "This is from Matilda" to Gary Oldman very emotional.

However as a typical bloke I take the 5th amendment and refuse to give this a 'P' rating

Lucie G said...

In Schindlers List its the end bit for me where all the survivors and their children place stones on his grave.


The Royle Family, (the last episode) the scene with nana and Barbera and then when Nana dies.

I feel I'm going too emotional as I age.

*runs out looking for tissues*