Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Goodbye Blackberry Day

* A short reply sent from a handheld blackberry thingy *----- Original Message -----From: Harvey, JennyTo: '' Sent: Wed Sep 17 00:49:17 2008Subject: Goodbye blackberry day

I now have a new toy in my collection. In their wisdom unison have provided be with a blackberry smartphone thingy, so today I am practicing my mobile emailing skills or "Blogging on The Go"

7.30 am. Sitting on the car park of the north staffs hotel killing 20 minutes before my train. Even after 3 years of full time womanhood I still can't accurately gauge how long it will take me to get ready in the morning. 3 still swing between being annoyingly early and very annoyingly late for morning appointments.

7.53 am sitting in my reserved seat in the last carriage of the train. On the plus side there is nobody shoehorned next to me. Its not that I don't relish company but I always feel sorry for the poor sod who is stuck on with my left shoulder an inch from their nose for 200 miles. Mind you its not as bad as when I walk down a plane to the frightened stares of 'I hope she's not next to me' . Second plus is that I am travelling backwards which I always feel is safer in the event of a head on crash! On the downside this carriage has the resigned despondent air of a Lehman Brothers (or insert latest banking giant to go bust) staff party . 2 hours so its headphones on for an episode of the genius ''down the line '' and remember I am from a military background

9.45 am walking from euston I have discovered that walking and emailing at the same time is both diffiklut and <screech of brakes> dangerous.

10 am Sitting in meeting room just found out that the meeting is not until 11 am. Clearly the secret of my success is not attention to detail!I am debating whether it is rude and bad form for me to have half an hours power nap (snooze)1 pm meeting done and dusted. Sadly snooze never happened due to others arrival. I have rescheduled snooze for the train journey home

1.35 pm the train has just left (thankfully with me on it )I have just scoffed an oversize cheeseburger and managed an incredible feat of self justification and downright delusion that it is in fact fits in with my diet.

2.17 rooting through my handbag I have just realised I am carrying 3 separate camera devices. My own mobile (5 mega pixels) by blackberry (2 mp) and my camera (10 mp). Modern living is clearly mad! I have a ridiculous 17 mp at my disposal, but the sadly photographic skill of a blind chimp with an inner ear balance problem.

2.45 pm I am now feeling very dizzy. This is because I set myself the pointless challenge of photographing myself through a camera, a camera phone, a Blackberry and a mirror. This proved more difficult than first envisaged due to an insufficient number of hands and a train that wouldn't keep still. As you can see (when I upload pic) the fruits of my endeavour are very poor to say the least, but there is a blurry bit of me showing.

4.30 pm On vickys sofa. Taking a hours break before returning to the office. Dizzy head has now been replaced by a stress headache caused by the night to come. Indulged in some dog fighting (literal not aviatory) with the part canine part Graboid from the film Tremors that is Spartacus, Vicky's dog.

6 pm back in office 'preparing' for monthly branch meeting. This is my ritual battering on behalf of our members. As usual my preparations involve frantic last minute photocopying. Just realised my carefully applied makeup of 12 hours ago was now looking tired (absolutely knackered more like) so some last minute plastering takes place.

10pm home on sofa trying to eat a diet kebab while gammo vainly tries to nick the 'meat '. All that lies between me and a degree of sanity is 500 pages of documents for a hearing that I am representing at tomorrow. I should probably get a good nights sleep but my head is still spinning from my meeting so I am going to indulge in some Wentworth Miller therapy, and watch the last 2 episodes of Prison Break.

* A short reply sent from a handheld blackberry thingy *

1 comment:

alan said...

Wow, talk about a day in the life!

Now I know why we haven't heard from you in days! I thought I got "caught up in the whirl" of things...

I hope you got your relaxation and the papers sorted somehow and still got a good nights sleep!

I fear there may be more of those "wakes" you spoke of on the horizon, judging from the news this morning, at any rate!

Having been a UAW member for 30 years, thank you for everything you do for the people like me...I know the hours are long and you don't get thanked nearly often enough!

But without you there would be even more people in harm's way!
